You can have absolutely everything you ever desired … but if you are not happy … it’s all useless  … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru






We go throw life … with lots of thoughts, dreams and millions of desires.

And the funny thing is that after a while … we realize that many of those things became true.

And still … we are not satisfied.

Something … like an invisible barrier … blocks our path to happiness.

Even the concept itself of such a thing … called happiness … is so abstract that … we don’t really believe we can ever achieve it.

In my book “PHILOSOPHY OF NOTHING - had everything, but i actually had nothing … had nothing, but i actually had everything” … which is actually a book with love essays … i remember that i tried to explain the concept of love affairs and their meaning.

My friend Brian … which is actually kind of a reflection of myself … always inspired me in my writings.

I say reflection of myself …. cause he is always doing stupid things … same as i do …. which makes our lives look like … a


non sense.

Today … i see Brian … as the profile that is defining the best the concept of … philosophy of nothing.

He’s having all he ever wanted.

A lovely house, a beautiful wife, amazing kids, a successful business … and it’s so weird to see him suffering of a profound … sadness.

Brian looks …. having the perfect life …. but …

You see … my friend is not so idiot as he looks like.

I see him often in the company of some beautiful ladies … and i use to ask him … “Why you do this Brian?! It’s a nonsense?! Your wife could find out …. and you will lose all you have now?!

You’ve worked a lot … for all this …”

“All this what, Gabriel?!

I have nothing … just nothing.

There is not even one thing that could make me happy.

Not even …. one.

So i’ll lose what?!”

Maybe Brian was right.

From outside it all looked like Brian was doing only stupid things … going out with all those ladies … but the real truth was that he gave himself the freedom to live also into a parallel world … where maybe he has a better chance to be happy.

Was it ok what he was doing?!

Was it moral?!

Should we judge him for all these stupid things that he was doing?!



Why someone as Brian … that looks that has everything … feels that has nothing?!

What is the best thing he could do?!

And even if i chat a lot with him … trying to understand him … i came to a point when i simple don’t judge him anymore for his stupid behavior.

I consider all as part of this journey called … life.



Download the book ”Doing stupid things ... an amazing journeywritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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